Since im still trying to get a part time job to save up for my propper motorbike i have to make do with something a bit smaller ^_^
had a nice race round with me mates until me mini moto died on me =`[ ...... and then some bloke came and started moaning at us for using the shared private road when my mate said i could use it ¬_¬
nice motorbikes and mini motor hehe i would like to ride on of these even tho i dont have licenese for it anyway i already drive some cars with no licenese in villiages where there is no law haha XD
ow and almost forgot you look hilarious on this
03-Dec-2006 03-Dec-2006
Wow really cute, and impresive too!!!, should be really fun riding it ^_^ but, how fast can it go??
it can go about 25 - 30 mph but its a tad dodgy at the moment =/ i want to get a bigger front sprocket to get some more speed out of it ^_^
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